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Plant log: Turning your house into a jungle

Log: 007 [Español]

“I think you should have as many plants as you possibly can and fill as many spaces as you like, that’s my mission anyway”. 

Nathan, 36, Guernsey -Channel Islands

What has been the challenges about turning your house into a jungle?

The biggest challenge I face creating an indoor jungle will always be keeping the plants healthy and happy, especially the more rare and exotic species that could be used to living in warmer, humid climates and that’s where having a good humidifier comes in handy. There is also the constant watering and feeding and remembering the last time you did that.

sala de la casa selva, sillón en L y plantas de todo tipo

What has been the most difficult plant to care for? 

I think that just like two humans can have a clash of personalities, so can some humans and plants. My most difficult plant to get on with is definitely Senecio Rowleyanus (String of Pearls). I’ve tried literally everything, but we just don’t seem to get along very well and that’s ok, you can’t always connect with everyone and everything.


Entrada a la casa jungla: entrevista expertos en plantas

What has been the easiest plant to care for?

That would be my Philodendron Red Emerald, she is completely happy if you forget to water her for a while and she will still keep growing and growing! In fact, pretty much all Philodendron are like this so they are really easy to take care of.

Salida a la terraza de la casa jungla: todo tipo de especies y plantas

Any plant or type of plant you recommend?

Calatheas are incredible. The Calathea Rattle Snake is great for starting off a jungle. I bought three when I first started and they are still really strong, healthy plants now and are super easy to look after. They look amazing with their bold leaf markings too.


What is the most rewarding thing about having plants?

For me, it’s keeping the plants healthy and thriving with new growth. I just can’t imagine living without them, they bring my house to life.


You use an application or recommend a website?

 I use the PlantSnap App quite a lot, you can snap a photo of any plant you like and it will find the name of it for you. I also really like the Splice App to edit all my Instagram TV videos.


Nathan posando, a un lado se ven muchas especies diferentes, hay pothos, calatheas, algunas colgantes

Is there a limit number of plants can have?

I don’t think you can never have too many, I think you should have as many plants as you possibly can and fill as many spaces as you like, that’s my mission anyway! 

You can follow Nathan on Instagram vía @bohemiahousejungle


Plant Log is a section of Underdog designed for amateurs and experts in gardening and plant care to share recommendations and advices. You can write to to share your experience.